Ordinary for the University. Tees approach for my friend..
DEATHCORE. Done for My Heavenly Friend. Rest In Peace..
A Local Giant Scooter Club. KROSC 
@ Karet Tengsin, Jakarta (Near CityWalk Sudirman)
Done Merchandise for R4TK. Most Influence Pop Punk Band for me!
Redesign Logo for ALLOUT! shop.
 Desain Merchandise for Universitas Mercubuana.
Theme : Passura ada Toraya'.
Logo for Metal Headbanger Jakarta. Core Not Sale.

Design T-Shirt for P.T. Indosari Jaya Makmur.

Design to commemorate a friend who's gone.

Logo design for a BNI 66th Celebration.
Design for a friend who really really not fun. Haha

Copyright 2009 dnmo. Create by Deluxe Templates. WP by Masterplan